Selling is critical to the survival of a business regardless of industry, be it products or services. In fact, selling is the heartbeat of any business there is in the market. However, not many businesses are able to master the art of selling, which will immensely affect the company’s bottom line. This may be due to some common problems of selling.
What are the common problems?
Having small goals and low sales target will not do any salesman or business any good. It may be comfortable to set a small and easy goal. However, the truth is, small goal equals small income. Hence, sales people will have to change their mindset and aim big. If one can close a deal worth RM50K, why not aim higher and close a deal of RM80K or more
Many salespeople tend to get affected by the state of the world economy. They pick up negative news and become judgemental and critical. The common assumption when the economy is down, is that the spending power will be reduced greatly. Salespeople will have the perception that people have lesser money to spend and this will limit their purchases. Hence, salespeople do not see the need to push the sales of their products or services because they assume that people will not be able to afford such purchases. Unfortunately, negative mindset will produce negative result. A salesperson with a scarcity mindset will not do his best to sell, which will result in less sales or no sale at all.
People in sales enjoy time flexibility. They are able to set appointments any time they choose to, depending also on the customer’s availability. Fundamentally, salespeople have more say on how they choose to spend their time. On the downside, lack of discipline in time management will be the downfall of any salesperson. For instance, a salesperson that lack discipline will always aim to meet less people and this will affect their productivity. Less sales pitching and few follow-ups will greatly reduce the numbers of deals closed.
Time is of essence and many salespeople have the habit to cut to the chase. Not having the patience to meet with customers to understand their needs will affect the closing rate. When salespeople do not gauge customer’s need, there is a high probability of offering products or services that do not match a customer’s need. Building rapport is necessary in any business as it allows the salesperson to collect client’s information. These information will enable a salesperson to assess the client’s need for the particular product or service. A good salesperson will always nurture likeability and try their best to get to know the client. Adversely, lack of rapport will usually result in a higher rate of rejection.
The more a salesperson follow-up with a client, the percentage of turning a ‘no’ into ‘yes’ is higher. Many a times, salespeople tend to give up when clients or customers decline to buy or request to think through a purchase decision. A skilled salesperson will not back down at this and will try to get client’s contact to keep-in-touch. Follow-up is basically a good opportunity to give client something of value. Value could be in the form of knowledge on how the products or services can help client solve their problem, which might just make the client change his mind and make the purchase.
There are many ways to sell to clients and customers, but most salespeople employ the ‘hunting’ approach. This kind of salespeople see themselves as hunters and customers are their prey. When a ‘hunter’ salesperson closes a deal, he is happy. However, if people don’t buy from him, he will just go on to the next person. This method is decent but there are actually better ways to approach selling to customers, which will make any salesperson more efficient and effective.
In the ‘Million Dollar Sales Producer’ programme, master trainer Jackson Ng will share the 12 methods of selling, also known as the ’12 Kung Fu in Selling to Anyone’, to cater to different customers. The knowledge gained from the training can be exercised to cater to different target markets. It is a fact that different people make different purchase decisions, but you will be able to equip yourself with the expertise to tackle the different groups of customers.
The training has been proven to help train salespeople to produce RM1mil in revenue for the companies they work for. After the programme, salespeople will be equipped with the knowledge on customer behaviour. Salespeople will be trained to be more agile and flexible to serve customers from diverse background.
In the comprehensive two-day programme, any concerns and challenges in the art of selling will be discussed. Participants are welcomed to share challenging scenarios and get master trainer Jackson Ng to share his experience in training entrepreneurs. Jackson has helped many salespeople to perform better and acquire at least 50% increase in their sales production. He has helped insurance and property agents, Fast-moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) promoters, automotive sales advisors, property negotiators, unit trust agents and entrepreneurs to sell their products better. Some of his clients include ING Funds Bhd, Etiqa, Zurich, Naim Holdings Bhd, LaurelCap Sdn Bhd, among others.
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R1-17-5, SetiaWalk, Persiaran Wawasan
Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47160 Puchong Selangor.
Kindly call/ whatsapp:
019-3944727 (Jackson Ng)
016-2156030 (Elizabeth)